Sat, 21.09.2024 - 12:00 PM
이프아이 스튜디오
동소문로20가길 51
ONLY ONE VOL.5 Best 32 일시: 2024.09.21 PM 1:00 (접수 12:00 시작) 장소 : 이프아이 스튜디오 ( 동소문로20가길 51 . 지하 1층 - 성신여대입구역 1번 출구 방향 ) Judge : Wave Hyun from Section, Beat Bugs Oleg Momo from Funkinshetein Zbox DJ : Kriss MC : Moonk from Section 참가신청 방법 : 본 인스타 게시물에 댓글로 댄서네임과 본명 기재 (ex Moonk/문형조 참가신청합니다!) 국민 486801-01-354411 문형조로 참가비 2만원 입금,확인시 댓글 답글로 ”참가신청 완료되었습니다.“ 행사 진행 : 선착순 신청 완료된 32명의 댄서분들이 32강부터 바로 배틀을 진행합니다. 1 move 50초 *저지 2명의 표를 받아야 승점을 가져갑니다! 16강을 거쳐서 올라오신 8명은 Seven to smoke를 진행합니다! 제한시간은 40분이며, 한명당 40초 *시간 제한내 보다 7점 우선 획득 시 혹은 시간제한내 최다 득점자 우승입니다* *저지 2명의 표를 받아야 승점을 가져갑니다! WINNER - 상패 및 상금 참가비 입금 계좌 참가비 20,000원 관람비 10,000원 ( 현장납부 부탁드리겠습니다 ) 국민 486801-01-354411 문형조 ”ONLY ONE VOL.5 Best 32“ Date: September 21, 2024, 1:00 PM (Registration starts at 12:00 PM) Location: If I Studio (51 Dongsoomun-ro 20ga-gil, Basement 1, Near Exit 1 of Sungshin Women’s University Station) Judges: Wave Hyun from Section, Beat Bugs Oleg Momo from Funkinshetein Zbox DJ: Kriss MC: Moonk from Section How to Apply: Comment on this Instagram post with your dancer name and real name (e.g., Moonk/문형조, I am applying!). Transfer the participation fee of 20,000 KRW to the account: 국민 486801-01-354411, Name: 문형조. Once the payment is confirmed, reply to the comment with ”Application completed.“ Event Details: The first 32 dancers who complete their application will start battling from the Round of 32. Each move lasts 50 seconds. To earn points, you need to receive votes from 2 judges! After the Round of 16, the top 8 dancers will proceed to ”Seven to Smoke.“ The time limit is 40 minutes, with 40 seconds per person. The winner is the dancer who either scores 7 points first or has the highest score within the time limit. To earn points, you need to receive votes from 2 judges! WINNER: Trophy and Prize Money Fees: *Foreign dancers can pay at the event! Participation Fee: 20,000 KRW Spectator Fee: 10,000 KRW (to be paid on-site) Bank Account for Participation Fee: Participation Fee: 20,000 KRW Account: Kookmin 486801-01-354411, Name: Hyoung Jo Moon