The Menu - Serving the Culture

12.09.24 - 15.09.24
Hip Hop, Popping, Locking, Waacking, House
O evento mais delicioso de 🇵🇹 está de volta! De 12 a 15 de setembro todos os caminhos vão dar a Lisboa 🌍 Fica atento pois os bilhetes estarão disponíveis brevemente no nosso site 📆 • • • 🇬🇧 The most delicious event of 🇵🇹 is back! From 12 to 15 of September all the roads bring you to Lisbon 🌍 Stay tuned because the tickets will be available soon in our site 📆 Design by @marcelo.mor.silva 🖌️ #CulturalMovesEurope #PushBoundaries #CreativeEurope #hiphopevent #dancebattle